High-Risk Growth Portfolio with Limited Diversification and Heavy Tech Exposure

Perfil de riesgo

  • Conservador

El perfil de riesgo, derivado de las fluctuaciones pasadas del mercado, muestra el riesgo al que está expuesta la cartera. Esta evaluación ayuda a armonizar sus inversiones con sus objetivos financieros y su propensión al riesgo.

Perfil de diversificación

  • Enfocado

El perfil de diversificación evalúa la distribución de las inversiones entre distintas clases de activos, regiones y sectores. Esta evaluación ayuda a reducir los riesgos, maximizar los rendimientos y evitar la concentración excesiva en una sola área.

Para qué tipo de inversor es adecuada esta cartera

Inversores de crecimiento

This portfolio is suitable for an aggressive investor who is comfortable with high levels of risk and aims for substantial long-term growth. Such an investor likely has a long investment horizon and can tolerate significant market fluctuations. Their primary goal is capital appreciation rather than income generation, and they are willing to endure short-term volatility for potential high returns.


  • Invesco NASDAQ 100 ETF
    QQQM - US46138G6492
  • Vanguard S&P 500 ETF
    VOO - US9229083632

The portfolio consists of two ETFs: Invesco NASDAQ 100 ETF and Vanguard S&P 500 ETF, each making up 50% of the total allocation. This results in a high concentration in large-cap U.S. stocks. While both ETFs are well-regarded and offer exposure to top-performing companies, the lack of diversification could increase vulnerability to market volatility. A more balanced approach might include additional asset classes to mitigate risk.


Historically, the portfolio has shown strong performance with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.93%. However, it also experienced a significant maximum drawdown of -29.62%, indicating susceptibility to market downturns. This performance suggests high potential returns, but also a high level of risk. To better weather market fluctuations, a more diversified portfolio might be advisable.


Using a Monte-Carlo simulation with 1,000 iterations, the projected annualized return is 15.16%. The simulation shows a wide range of potential outcomes, with the 5th percentile at 63.04% and the 67th percentile at 742.43%. This indicates substantial variability, reinforcing the portfolio's high-risk, high-reward nature. Diversifying into less correlated assets could help stabilize future returns.

Clases de activos

  • Acciones
  • Efectivo

The portfolio is heavily skewed towards stocks, with 99.90% in equities and a negligible 0.10% in cash. This extreme concentration in a single asset class exposes the portfolio to significant market risk. Incorporating bonds or other asset classes could provide more stability and reduce overall risk.


  • Tecnología
  • Telecomunicaciones
  • Consumo Cíclico
  • Salud
  • Finanzas
  • Industria
  • Bienes de cons. perecederos
  • Energía
  • Materiales básicos
  • Servicios públicos
  • Bienes Raices

Sector allocation is dominated by Technology at nearly 40%, followed by Communication Services and Consumer Cyclicals. While these sectors have performed well historically, their high concentration increases sector-specific risk. Adding exposure to underrepresented sectors like Utilities or Real Estate could enhance diversification and reduce volatility.


  • Norteamérica
  • Europa
  • Asia Emergente
  • Latino América
  • Asia

Geographically, the portfolio is overwhelmingly concentrated in North America, accounting for over 98% of the allocation. This lack of geographic diversification makes the portfolio vulnerable to regional economic downturns. Including international stocks from Europe, Asia, and other regions could provide a hedge against U.S. market risks.


  • Invesco NASDAQ 100 ETF 0,70%
  • Vanguard S&P 500 ETF 1,40%
  • Rendimiento ponderado (por año) 1,05%

The portfolio's dividend yield is not specified, but given the high concentration in growth-oriented ETFs, the yield is likely to be modest. While growth stocks can offer substantial capital appreciation, incorporating dividend-paying stocks could provide a steady income stream and reduce overall portfolio volatility.

Costes actuales del producto

  • Invesco NASDAQ 100 ETF 0,15%
  • Vanguard S&P 500 ETF 0,03%
  • Costes totales ponderados (por año) 0,09%

The portfolio has a low total expense ratio (TER) of 0.09%, which is commendable. Low costs are crucial for long-term investment success as they ensure more of the returns are retained. Maintaining low fees while seeking diversification will be key to optimizing portfolio performance.

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