Moderately Diversified Growth Portfolio with High Technology Exposure

Perfil de riesgo

  • Conservador

El perfil de riesgo, derivado de las fluctuaciones pasadas del mercado, muestra el riesgo al que está expuesta la cartera. Esta evaluación ayuda a armonizar sus inversiones con sus objetivos financieros y su propensión al riesgo.

Perfil de diversificación

  • Enfocado

El perfil de diversificación evalúa la distribución de las inversiones entre distintas clases de activos, regiones y sectores. Esta evaluación ayuda a reducir los riesgos, maximizar los rendimientos y evitar la concentración excesiva en una sola área.

Para qué tipo de inversor es adecuada esta cartera

Inversores de crecimiento

This portfolio is suitable for an investor with a high-risk tolerance who is seeking significant capital appreciation. Such an investor is likely focused on long-term growth, willing to accept substantial short-term volatility, and not reliant on regular income from their investments. The ideal investment horizon would be 10 years or more, allowing time to ride out market fluctuations.


  • Vanguard S&P 500 ETF
    VOO - US9229083632
  • Franklin FTSE India ETF
    FLIN - US35473P7693
  • iShares Expanded Tech Sector ETF
    IGM - US4642875490
  • Defiance Quantum
    QTUM - US26922A4206

The portfolio consists of four ETFs, with a significant allocation to the Vanguard S&P 500 ETF at 50%, followed by Franklin FTSE India ETF at 20%, iShares Expanded Tech Sector ETF at 20%, and Defiance Quantum ETF at 10%. This composition indicates a strong focus on equities, particularly in the technology sector, with a moderate level of diversification across different markets and sectors.


Historically, the portfolio has shown a robust performance with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 15.5%. However, it has also experienced significant volatility, evidenced by a maximum drawdown of -34.05%. This suggests that while the portfolio has the potential for high returns, it also carries a substantial risk of losses during market downturns.


Using a Monte Carlo simulation with 1,000 runs, the portfolio's future performance was projected. The median (50th percentile) end portfolio value was 823.09%, with a 5th percentile value of 83.62% and a 67th percentile value of 1,259.23%. This simulation indicates a wide range of potential outcomes, reflecting the high-risk, high-reward nature of the portfolio.

Clases de activos

  • Acciones
  • Efectivo

The portfolio is heavily weighted towards stocks, with 99.68% allocated to equities and a minimal 0.32% in cash. This high equity exposure aligns with the growth objective but also increases the portfolio's risk. Diversifying into other asset classes such as bonds or commodities could help mitigate this risk.


  • Tecnología
  • Finanzas
  • Telecomunicaciones
  • Consumo Cíclico
  • Industria
  • Salud
  • Bienes de cons. perecederos
  • Energía
  • Materiales básicos
  • Servicios públicos
  • Bienes Raices

Sector allocation is dominated by technology at 40.94%, followed by financial services and communication services. This heavy concentration in technology can drive significant growth but also exposes the portfolio to sector-specific risks. A more balanced sector allocation could enhance stability and reduce volatility.


  • Norteamérica
  • Asia Emergente
  • Europa
  • Japón
  • Asia
  • Africa y Media Oriente

Geographically, the portfolio is predominantly invested in North America (75.65%), with notable exposure to emerging Asia (20.45%). This geographic concentration can lead to regional risk, and adding more investments from other regions could provide better geographic diversification and reduce potential regional downturn impacts.


  • Franklin FTSE India ETF 1,50%
  • iShares Expanded Tech Sector ETF 0,30%
  • Defiance Quantum 0,90%
  • Vanguard S&P 500 ETF 1,30%
  • Rendimiento ponderado (por año) 1,10%

The portfolio's dividend yield data is not provided, but given the high allocation to growth-oriented ETFs, it is likely to have a lower dividend yield. This is typical for growth portfolios, which prioritize capital appreciation over income generation. Investors seeking regular income might need to adjust their strategy.

Costes actuales del producto

  • Franklin FTSE India ETF 0,19%
  • iShares Expanded Tech Sector ETF 0,41%
  • Defiance Quantum 0,40%
  • Vanguard S&P 500 ETF 0,03%
  • Costes totales ponderados (por año) 0,18%

The total expense ratio (TER) of the portfolio is 0.18%, which is relatively low. The Vanguard S&P 500 ETF has the lowest cost at 0.03%, while the iShares Expanded Tech Sector ETF and Defiance Quantum ETF are higher at 0.41% and 0.4%, respectively. Keeping costs low is beneficial for long-term returns, and this portfolio does well in that regard.

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